Husband wrote down New Year’s resolutions, when his wife read them, she immediately called the police


After reading his terrifying New Years’ resolutions, Emma knew she had to do something drastic because her husband had been lying to her for years

Emma had been married to her husband Daniël for 7 years. Even though their relationship went quickly, she was very much in love with him and their relationship felt like a fairytale. Years had gone by without a scratch in the sky, but then one morning everything fell apart. When Emma decided to read her husband’s New Year’s resolution list, her heart skipped a beat and she immediately called the police. What did she just read?! Emma couldn’t believe what he put on his list. Her husband had been lying to her for years, and the thing he was lying about made her lose her faith in humanity.

Where it all began

Emma met Daniël when she was just 23 years old. He was 28 when she met him, so there was a little bit of an age gap but it wasn’t a big deal for her. Moreover, Emma had always been attracted to older men so she quite liked it. She had some older friends as well so he fitted perfectly into her mature lifestyle. 

They met at a small birthday party of a friend of hers. The party was a little bit lame and they both went outside to catch some air. Daniel offered her a cigarette and even though she never smoked, she took it and shared the cigarette with him. Emma had no idea how much impact that small moment would have on her life.

He was different

From that moment on they saw each other every week. Emma was not used to guys being this committed to her and she loved it. In the past, she had been hurt by guys who didn’t want to be in a committed relationship, so this was something different. Daniël was the one who took the lead in this relationship and that showed her what a good guy he was. He took her on dates and he sent her flowers with sweet messages attached to them. 

After just 6 weeks he asked her to be his girlfriend and she said yes because, if it feels good, why wait? Looking back at it, he changed her life for good…

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