Crucial Warnings About Fast Food People Need To Know


Fast food is undoubtedly cheap, convenient, and tasty, but is it really the best idea? Sure, these quick eats avoid the headache of cooking and are easy on the wallet, though when you really take a deep dive into what goes into the fast food-making process, you’ll likely opt out. As a matter of fact, these harsh realities may just curb your appetite for good!

  1. Nugget meat

Fast food establishments love to claim their chicken nuggets are “all white meat,” but research proves otherwise. In some places, most of the nuggets are comprised of fats, bone, nerves, and tissue.

  1. Gross soda

A fountain soda goes hand-in-hand with a fast food order, but do everything you can to stave off the craving. Those soda nozzles on the machines often times have traces of harmful bacteria, including fecal bacteria and E. coli!

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